Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bait by Alex Sanchez

Diego's in trouble. A guy at school looked at him funny, and Diego went a little off the edge and assaulted him. Now Diego is awaiting sentencing.

That's when he meets Vidas, his probation officer. And Diego, who feels abandoned by all the adults in his life, starting with his mom (who is still around), and finishing with his stepdad who committed suicide, finds he wants to keep talking to Vidas.

There are certain topics Diego would prefer not to talk about. What his stepdad was doing to him for one. What his stepdad was planning on doing to Diego's little brother Eddie for two. The scars up and down both of his arms for three. Diego struggles with guilt, anger, confusion, and hatred while trying to keep his head above water with the law, Vidas, and his own inner demons.

We often forget that boys suffer from a lot of the same pressures girls do, that they can be just or more abused by family members and by their own need to assert their masculinity as they get older. Diego struggles with trying to appear strong instead of weak and a lot of his anger comes from proving he isn't gay.

This was a fabulous book. It was heartbreaking to read Diego's story.

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