Monday, June 28, 2010

Revolver by Marcus Sedgwick

14-year old Sig didn't know what to expect when he found his father's body in the middle of the lake between their home and the nearest town. But when his sister and stepmother leave to go get help, he didn't anticipate a stranger showing up at their door.

Wolff isn't just a stranger--he's a terrifying giant stranger. He appears to know the family quite well, and demands Sig hand over his share of the gold his father stole. Sig has no idea what gold--they've lived in poverty their whole lives. Wolff is serious about his demand and threatens to kill both Sig and Anna if they don't hand over the gold immediately. Sig knows there's a gun in the store room, but can he get to it before Wolff makes good on his threat?

A great book for reluctant readers. This is historical fiction, but the chapters are pretty small, and something is always going on. The chapters flip from 1910 (present day) back 10 years to 1899 and 1900, and the Alaskan Gold Rush. You get both sides of the story, and there's a twist that is set up nicely through the book.

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