Friday, July 29, 2011

Immortal Beloved by Cate Tiernan

Nas has reached a crisis in her 459 years of life. While out partying with other immortals like her, her best friend Incy uses magick to snap the back of their taxi driver when he gets angry. Nas, shocked and disgusted, flees to find River, another immortal she met 80 years before.

Life with River and her 'school' of immortals isn't what Nas expected at all. They grow their own food and spend their days learning how to control the good side of magick. Nas doesn't know if she can survive this type of living, but recognizes she may not have a choice. Something has to change and just maybe, this is the change she needs. And one of the other immortals on the farm--Reyn--looks familiar to her in a way she can't figure out. But he definitely draws her attention.

The longer she spends with River, the more Nas' memories come out and the most painful ones are yet to surface. Nas must accept her past, however, to move into the future.

Ok, so yes, this is a paranormal romance. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story and can't wait for the next one in the series. I have serious doubts as to whether this should even be considered a 'teen' novel though--the main character may look like she's 18 or 21; she's actually much older. I enjoyed the story and the romance is there but not very strong, for the first book in the series. Highly recommended for those who like paranormal with a splash of romance.

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